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Textile, Art, Painting, Font - Úіý. XII - ÿþч. XIII ÑÂÑ‚. Óðûøчøýð. Ãâ€Ã¾ÑˆÃºÃ° хòþùýð, ûõòúðÑÂ, тõüÿõрð. 79 Ñ… 47 Ñ… 4. The Intercession. Turn Of The 13th C. Galychyna. Tempera On Gesso-grounded Softwood Hollowed Panel. ÃÂðціþýðûьýøù хуôþöýіù üу÷õù ãúрðїýø. ÃÂûьñþü. Úøїò, "ÃÂртðýіѠÃÂþòð", 2003 *èðýþòýі òіúіÿõôіùці, ñуôõтõ цьþóþ рð÷у ñрðтø ÑÂúðýø - òúð÷уùтõ, ÷òіôúø òþýø. ÃÂðñрøôûþ ñðчøтø, ÑÂú òø ÷ðñуòðÑâ€Ã‘‚õ цõ рþñøтø. Photo
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