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Panathenaic stadium in Athens, Greece hosted the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, also known as Kalimarmaro.
1896 The Arraria Gold Mining Company Stock Certificate
Old open book 1896
Gesu catholic Church from 1896,in Miami
1896 THE BLUE JAY MINING COMPANY Stock Certificate - Cripple Creek, Colorado
1896 Patent Velocipede Bicycle Unicycle history invention
1896 Morgan Dollar coin
Epiphany St Remigy of the king Hlodvig (1896). Abbey Saint-Remi.
Epiphany St Remigy of the king Hlodvig (1896). Abbey Saint-Remi.
1896 and 1880 Morgan Dollar coins
Stained Glass Windows in St. Nicolas cathedral, created by the Polish painter Jozef Mehoffer between 1896 and 1936, Fribourg
1896 Hancock County Courthouse Greenfield Indiana
Stained Glass Windows in St. Nicolas cathedral, created by the Polish painter Jozef Mehoffer between 1896 and 1936, Fribourg
GREECE - CIRCA 1967: A stamp printed in Greece shows Marathon Cup, first Olympics 1896, Spyros Louis winner, circa 1967.
Stained Glass Windows in St. Nicolas cathedral, created by the Polish painter Jozef Mehoffer between 1896 and 1936, Fribourg
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