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Chuquiragua. Plant. National Park Cayambe-Coca Ecuador
Chuquiragua. Plant. National Park Cayambe-Coca Ecuador
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
Green lagoons at the foot of the Chiles volcano
Green lagoons at the foot of the Chiles volcano
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
Green lagoons at the foot of the Chiles volcano
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
Green lagoons at the foot of the Chiles volcano
Green lagoons at the foot of the Chiles volcano
Green lagoons at the foot of the Chiles volcano
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
Andean landscape, frailejón moors
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