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Tian anmen square
ä¸å›½åŒ—京天安门广场 Tian`anmen Square, Beijing, China
Ornamental Pillars in Tian’anmen Square
A view of ancient architecture in Beijing\ s Forbidden City, a tourist attraction in China
A view of ancient architecture in Beijing\ s Forbidden City, a tourist attraction in China
Monument to the People`s Heroes on Tian`anmen Square - the third largest square in the world, Beijing
Monument to the People`s Heroes on Tian`anmen Square, Beijing
BEIJING, CHINA - MAY 19, 2015: People near Monument to the People`s Heroes on Tian`anmen Square - the third of largest square in
Smog in Beijing
Birdseye of Beijing
Forbidden City
Zhengyang Gate
Beijing in polluted air
Zhengyang Gate
Shooting the Tian'anmen Rostrum.
Cloud Pillar
Traffic through Tian'anmen Square
Traffic through Tian'anmen Square
Beijing - Tiananmen Square
Beijing tiananmen
Beijing - Tiananmen Square
Qianmen street
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