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Freshwater predator Channel catfish rest on sand bottom in European temperate cold-water river biotope aqua
Wild, aggressive dominant male Apistogramma mendezi, rare and hard to keep freshwater dwarf cichlid demonstrate aggression
Healthy and active bleeding heart tetra adult fish play in blackwater biotope aquarium, ready to spawn
Green and red aquatic plants grow in bright LED light of freshwater ryoboku aquascape, lush moss vegetation
Sturisomatichthys panamense, peaceful and helpful flamboyant freshwater algae eater species, 2 adults on sand bottom
Bucephalandra and dense bush of java moss, aquatic plants in a beautiful freshwater ryoboku aquascape detail, Amano style
Amano style planted stone aquadesign green aquatic plants grow in freshwater iwagumi aquascape, vivid colors
Curious and timid female Apistogramma mendezi, rare unique freshwater dwarf cichlid fish
Freshwater iwagumi aquascape plant detail, moss overgrown stone, Amano style planted aquadesign, vivid colors
Adult wild dominant male Apistogramma mendezi, rare freshwater dwarf cichlid in aggressive pose, blackwater Rio Negro biotope aqua
Ninespine stickleback freshwater fish
Deathly predator channel catfish, in European freshwater temperate biotope aquarium, fish hunting on river bottom, greeen algae
Electric blue acara, freshwater cichlid fish male in spectacular colors shows off and courtship female, beautiful and peaceful
Adult male of giraffe hap cichlid, Nimbochromis venustus, mbuna fish species, endemic to lake Malawi
Viviparous freshwater river snail, plankton feeder and algae eater, important aquatic mollusk search for food
Young giraffe hap cichlid, Nimbochromis venustus, mbuna fish species, endemic to African Rift lake Malawi
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