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Artemision Bronze Greek God Statue National Archaeological Museum Athens Greece
Artemision Bronze Zeus or Poseidon
Artemision Bronze Zeus or Poseidon
Piazza del Duomo with Cathedral of Syracuse, Artemision in Siracusa, Sicily, Italy at sunny day with people walking around
Bronze Boy Horse Statue National Archaeological Museum Athens Gr
Temple of Artemis
HEKATE Hecate was the goddess of magic Roman period
HEKATE Hecate was the goddess of magic Roman period
Roman period vow marble
Roman period chıld toys terracotta
Roman period Demeter goddess of the harvest and agriculture
HEKATE Hecate was the goddess of magic Roman period
Roman period Apollo, Apollon
Terracotta pot, Turkey, Kutahya city museum
Roman period relief marble
Ruins of Artemision in Ephesus
Ruins of Artemision in Ephesus
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