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Blackvein Sergeant, Athyma ranga gathering water in the mud, Thailand
Transformation of Black-veined sergeant butterfly & x28; Athyma ranga
Transformation from caterpillar , chrysalis of Black-veined sergeant butterfly ( Athyma ranga ) hanging on twig
Transformation of Black-veined sergeant butterfly & x28; Athyma ranga
Transformation of black-veined sergeant butterfly & x28; Athyma ranga
Transformation from chrysalis of Black-veined sergeant butterfly Athyma ranga hanging on twig
Black-vein sergeant, Athyma ranga, Namdapha Tiger Reserve, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Athyma selenophora - Staff Sergeant
Tropical Rainforest Butterfly
Life cycle of colour segeant butterfly hanging on twig
Isolated transformation of Black-veined sergeant butterfly & x28; Ath
Transformation from chrysalis of Black-veined sergeant butterfly
Common Sergeant Butterfly
Butterfly Athyma reta moorei or Malay Staff Sergeant
transformation from caterpillar , chrysalis of Black-ve
Amazing picture of mating pair of sorrel sapphire heliophorus sena butterfly .
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