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Myanmar, Amarapura, U Bein bridge
Sunset over Thaungthaman lake
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Old wooden bridge
Myanmar, Amarapura, U Bein bridge
U Bein Bridge - Mandalay, Myanmar
U Bein Bridge - Mandalay - Myanmar (Burma)
U Bein Bridge
U Bein bridge and people at sunset
Myanmar, U Bein bridge
U Bein Bridge
Two monks walk on the wooden bridge
U Bein bridge and people at sunset
U-Bein Bridge
U Bein bridge, Myanmar
U Bein Bridge, Mandalay
U bein bridge Amarapura ,Mandalay, Myanmar.
U bein bridge, Amarapura ,Mandalay, Myanmar.
U bein bridge
U bein bridge in myanmar
Beatiful view on U Bein Bridge
Silhouetted people on U Bein Bridge at sunset, Amarapura, Mandalay region, Myanmar. Burma. The longest and oldest teak
Myanmar, U Bein bridge; vector
U bein bridge at Amarapura ,Mandalay, Myanmar.
U-Bein Bridge
U Bein bridge and people at sunset
U-Bein Bridge
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