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Boeticus Free Stock Images
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Lampides boeticus, the pea blue or long-tailed blue butterfly
Lampides boeticus, the pea blue or long-tailed blue butterfly
Butterfly Lampides boeticus (male)
Butterfly Lampides boeticus (female)
Lampides boeticus
Lampides boeticus
Butterfly Lampides boeticus (male) (underside)
Butterfly Lampides boeticus (female) (underside)
Lampides boeticus, the pea blue, or long-tailed blue, is a small butterfly that belongs to the lycaenids or gossamer-winged
Butterfly on the flower
Butterfly on the flower
Flowers of flame of the forest or Butea frondosa tree
Amazing picture of mating pair of sorrel sapphire heliophorus sena butterfly .
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