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Hasta Brata Yard Pantai Ngobaran Beach Jogjakarta
Hasta Brata Yard Pantai Ngobaran Beach Jogjakarta
Nepalese Hindu Devotee participate in the Swasthani Brata Katha festival held at Swasthani Matha temple
Nepalese Hindu Devotees participate in the Swasthani Brata Katha festival held at Swasthani Matha temple
Nepalese Hindu Devotees participate in the Swasthani Brata Katha festival held at Swasthani Matha temple
An unidentified Hindu holy man participates in the Swasthani Brata Katha festival held at Swasthani Matha temple
Naga Baruna Gate Pantai Ngobaran Beach Jogjakarta
Devotees clad in red saree offer prayers at Swasthani Matha temple.
Devotees take ritualistic parade
Kartik Brata
Baby Goose
Cliff on Pantai Ngobaran Beach Jogjakarta
Cliff on Pantai Ngobaran Beach Jogjakarta
Cliff on Pantai Ngobaran Beach Jogjakarta
Batavia puppet (ondel-ondel)
Batavia puppet (ondel-ondel)
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