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Unidentified Buddhism neophyte read a book in Buddihist temple
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte read a book in Buddihist temple
Southeast Asian neophyte praying with candle light in a Buddihist temple
Southeast Asian neophyte is in a Buddihist temple
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte prays in Buddihist temple
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte prays in Buddihist temple
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte prays in Buddihist temple
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte prays in Buddihist temple
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte prays in Buddihist temple
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte prays in Buddihist temple.
Unidentified Buddhism neophyte read a book in Buddihist temple
Southeast Asian neophyte praying with candle light in a Buddihist temple
Unidentified Burmese girl praying with candle light in a Buddihist temple on January 5, 2011 in Bagan
Southeast Asian neophyte praying with candle light in a Buddihist temple
Southeast Asian neophyte praying with candle light in a Buddihist temple
Temple of Heaven
Temple of Heaven
Temple of Heaven
Temple of Heaven
Blessing candle
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