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Natal plum Carissa macrocarpa, native to Africa - Florida, USA
Carissa Grandiflora, boxwood beauty blossom, white flowers with strong scent in tropical garden
Carissa Moore
Carissa carandas
Carissa carandas
Carissa carandas
Carissa Grandiflora Fruit
Num Num plant Carissa Macrocarpa
Blank greeting cards, invitations mockups with white Carissa flowers. Marble backgound with tree leaf shadow overlay
Summer wedding stationery mock-up scene. Blank greeting card, invitation, olive branch, white carissa macrocarpa, natal
Carissa carandas fruit
Carissa macrocarpa bush
Hedge Thorn - Carissa Bispinosa
Carissa carandas fruit
Karanda fruit, Carissa carandas L
Bengal Currants scientific name: Carissa carandas
Crimson fruit or Carissa carandas L.
Karonda fruit is on the tree
Wedding flower and beautiful pink rose
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