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Blacktail Anglefish Centropyge eibli
Bicolor angelfish (Centropyge bicolor)
Flame Angelfish aquarium marine fish Centropyge loriculus
African Flameback Pygmy Angelfish, Centropyge acanthops
Peppermint angelfish - Centropyge boylei
The twospined angelfish, dusky angelfish, or coral beauty Centropyge bispinosa
The Pygmy or Cherub Angelfish Centropyge argi.
Coral Beauty Angelfish, Centropyge bispinosa
The Flame angel Centropyge loricula.
The twospined angelfish, dusky ang, elfish, or coral beauty Centropyge bispinosa.
Centropyge heraldi, marine aquarium yellow fish
Flame Angelfish, centropyge loriculus, Adult against Black background
POISSON ANGE FLAMME centropyge loriculus
Pearl-Scaled Angelfish Centropyge vroliki
Bicolor Angelfish - (Centropyge bicolor)
Manyspine cherubfish (centropyge multispinis)
Manyspine cherubfish (centropyge multispinis)
Manyspine cherubfish (centropyge multispinis)
Manyspine cherubfish (centropyge multispinis)
Manyspine cherubfish (centropyge multispinis)
Manyspine cherubfish (centropyge multispinis)
Yellow, blue and striped marine fish in aquarium wih corals
Bicolor Angelfish (Centropyge Bicolor)
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