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Comarum Free Stock Images
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Blossom of Comarum palustre, the purple marshlocks
Comarum palustre
Bottles of infusion of medicinal herbs and healing plants on wooden table. Comarum palustre stems and roots, healthy moss
Comarum palustre. Herb
Purple Marshlocks comarum palustre , or swamp cinquefoil, marsh cinquefoil. Medicinal plant
Comarum palustre flower, known as the purple marshlocks, swamp cinquefoil and marsh cinquefoil
Comarum palustre or Potentilla palustris medicinal plant, known by the common names purple marshlocks, swamp cinquefoil and marsh
Purple marshlocks
Fragaria x ananassa.
Dry Comarum in a bottle with cork stopper for medical use.
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