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Plant damaged by European corn borer or borer or high-flyer Ostrinia nubilalis. It is a one of most important pest of maize crops.
Nomophila noctuella, Crambidae. Rush Veneer moth on grass.
The European corn borer or borer or high-flyer Ostrinia nubilalis. It is a one of most important pest of maize crops.
Garden pebble moth (Evergestis forficalis)
Plant damaged by European corn borer or borer or high-flyer Ostrinia nubilalis. It is a one of most important pest of maize crops.
Rush veneer (Nomophila noctuella), a micro moth in the family Crambidae
Plant damaged by European corn borer or borer or high-flyer Ostrinia nubilalis. It is a one of most important pest of maize crops.
Plant damaged by European corn borer or borer or high-flyer Ostrinia nubilalis. It is a one of most important pest of maize crops.
The European corn borer or borer or high-flyer Ostrinia nubilalis. It is a one of most important pest of maize crops.
Caterpillar of the box tree moth
Pest control with pesticides
Caterpillar of the box tree moth
Caterpillar of the box tree moth
Caterpillar of the box tree moth
Box tree moth is sprayed with pesticide
Butterfly herbal cactus (lat. Crambidae).
Pleuroptya ruralis
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