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Replica of a coyote, installed by a beach on Lake Winnipesaukee to deter geese from the area
A naval vessel using advanced data analytics to detect and deter potential threats enhancing the safety and security of
Japan blocks iconic Mt Fuji view behind the convenience store Lawson to deter tourists
Caecilian / Geotrypetes seraphini
Retractable window security gates
White Rhinoceros
Yellow-banded poison dart frog (Dendrobates leucomelas)
Steel Roll Cage Burglary Doors
Companion planting in a raised garden bed
Anti Homeless Spikes outside store
Closeup of retail security tag on merchandise to deter theft
Torre Talao in Scalea, Calabria
Mosquito Coil and Citronella Candle
Closeup of retail security tag on merchandise to deter theft
Razor wire on top of green fence guarding French ferry terminal.
Ancient knocker
Cctv signboard
Chinese kung Fu
Spike Tree
Chinese kung Fu
Big money
Razor wire
Street lights with spikes
Toxic warning
Seagull-proof Street Lamp
Do Not Park
Do Not Climb
Vehicle Security Post
Alley Work Ahead Construction Sign
Private property plate
Razor wire Barbed wire
Woman's hand holding basilia leaf
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