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Glaucopsyche seminigra butterfly on yellow flower , butterflies of Iran
Melanargia teneates butterfly , butterflies of Iran
Polyommatus semiargus , The Mazarine blue butterfly , butterflies of Iran
Glaucopsyche seminigra butterfly on yellow flower , butterflies of Iran
Tomares romanovi, or Romanoff`s hairstreak butterfly
The black-veined white butterfly, Aporia crataegi
Aporia crataegi , the black-veined white butterfly
Parnassius mnemosyne , The clouded Apollo butterfly , butterflies of Iran
The Fritillary butterfly on flower in romantic green background
Vanessa cardui , the Painted lady butterfly suckling nectar on flower dorsal view , butterflies of Iran
Callophrys danchenkoi butterfly , butterflies of Iran
The Argynnis Alexandra butterfly , butterflies of Iran
The portrait of Niobe fritillary butterfly , Argynnis niobe , butterflies of Iran
Pyrgus sidae , the yellow-banded skipper butterfly
Brenthis ino , The Lesser marbled fritillary butterfly , butterflies of Iran
The Plebejus morgianus , the Persian Blue butterfly , butterflies of Iran
Brenthis ino , The Lesser marbled fritillary butterfly , butterflies of Iran
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