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Pat Metheny & Ron Carter
Naples, Italy - September 16, 2019: The Chapel of the Treasure of San Gennaro in the Cathedral of Naples
Naples, Italy - September 16, 2019: The Chapel of the Treasure of San Gennaro in the Cathedral of Naples
Italy, Campania, Bacoli, Miseno
Bay of Naples
Italy, island of ischia monte epomeo
Naples, church of Sain Francesco di Paola
Naples, church of Sain Francesco di Paola
Cappella Caracciolo chiesa San Giovanni a Carbonara Napoli
Chick Corea Trio live on stage in ICE Cracow, Poland.
Italy, island of ischia monte epomeo
Chick Corea Trio live on stage in ICE Cracow, Poland.
Chick Corea Trio live on stage in ICE Cracow, Poland.
Italy, Campania Monte di Procida - Torrefumo Lake
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