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Caterpillar hawk. Hyles gallii
Butterfly Hyles gallii
The Bedstraw, Hyles gallii
Night hawk moth (Hyles gallii)
Hawkmoth caterpillar (Hyles gallii)
Hawk moth caterpillar (Hyles gallii)
Bedstraw Hawk-mothHyles gallii
Bedstraw Hawk-mothHyles gallii
Bedstraw hawk-moth Hyles gallii isolated on white
Hawk moth (Hyles gallii)
Hyles gallii Bedstraw hawk-moth or galium sphinx
Set of four Sphingidae hawk-moths
Bell Heather & Western Gorse
Night moth (Hyles gallii)
Green Hawk moth caterpillar
Hawk moth caterpillar (Hyles gallii)
Hawk moth caterpillar (Deilephila gallii)
Hyles gallii on a wooden background
Larva of a Bedstraw Hawkmoth
Butterfly's larva moderate climate of Russia
Butterfly's larva moderate climate of Russia
Butterfly's larva moderate climate of Russia
Butterfly's larva moderate climate of Russia
Butterfly's larva moderate climate of Russia
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