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Cordyceps (a genus of ascomycete fungi)
Genus strelitzia reginae orange bird flower
Adult prairie dog (genus cynomys) and a baby sharing their foo
Cassia &x28;genus&x29
Cassia &x28;genus&x29
Stegosaurus, genus of armored dinosaur.
Basiliscus (genus)
Peacock, peafowl genus pavo linnaeus
Azalea, flowering shrubs member of the genus Rhododendron
Platymeris biguttatus is a genus of assassin bug
Azalea, flowering shrubs member of the genus Rhododendron
Spider Genus Scytodes
Hydra is a genus of small animals
Swarm of Silver Dollar genus metynnis schooling aquarium fish
Stegosaurus, genus of armored dinosaur.
Hydra is a genus of small, fresh-water animals of the phylum Cnidaria and class Hydrozoa.
white chrysanthemums & x28 Chrysanthemum& x29 are a genus of flowering plants from the aster family
The genus Pseuderanthemum means False Eranthemum.
Cotoneaster dammeri, the bearberry cotoneaster, is a species of flowering plant in the genus Cotoneaster. Berlin, Germany
Echinops is a genus of about 120 species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae, commonly known as globe thistles. They have
A Rose - perennial flower shrub vine of genus Rosa
Macro shot on Montipora short stony polyps coral
Macro shot on Montipora short stony polyps coral
Malva flower is a genus in the family Malvaceae. English name mallow. The genus is widespread throughout the temperate, subtropi
Malva flower is a genus in the family Malvaceae. English name mallow. The genus is widespread throughout the temperate, subtropi
Malva flower is a genus in the family Malvaceae. English name mallow. The genus is widespread throughout the temperate, subtropi
Malva flower is a genus in the family Malvaceae. English name mallow. The genus is widespread throughout the temperate, subtropi
Sleep is a grass, or a prostrate plant, belonging to the buttercup family
Sleep is a grass, or a prostrate plant, belonging to the buttercup family
Xanthoconium affine - Xanthoconium affine is an edible species of bolete fungus of the genus Xanthoconium. First described as a s
Inocybe fibrosoides - Inocybe is a large genus of mushroom-forming fungi with over 1400 species, including all forms and varieties
Maple branch with young leaves
Blackbuck or Indian antelope from grassland
Succulent echeveria with dying petals on edges. Echeveria is a large genus of flowering plants native to semi-desert areas of
Alstroemeria commonly called the Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Alstroemeriaceae
Pile of red rose and green leaf, the concept of love and valentine.
Heracleum maximum, commonly known as cow parsnip, is the only member of the genus Heracleum native to North America.
Hygrophorus - Hygrophorus is a genus of agarics & x28 gilled mushrooms& x29 in the family Hygrophoraceae.
Russula -Russula is a very large genus composed of around 750 worldwide species of ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. They are typically c
Pulchroboletus -Pulchroboletus is a fungal genus in the family Boletaceae. It was circumscribed in 2014 to contain the species for
Boletus rex-veris - Boletus rex-veris, commonly known as the spring king bolete, is a basidiomycete fungus of the genus Boletus fo
Russula ochroleuca - Russula ochroleuca is a member of the genus Russula. A group that have become known as brittlegills. It has b
Russula pseudointegra - Russula pseudointegra is an inedible, quite rare mushroom of the genus Russula, with a similar habitat and
Ganoderma - Ganoderma is a genus of polypore fungi in the family Ganodermataceae that includes about 80 species, many from tropica
Lily flower on white
Branch of a larch
A type of plant from the genus Sage, a bee collects nectar.
Zinnia elegans in full bloom
Fly agaric
Sea Gulls and Surfers
Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the Malvaceae family, known for its large, colorful, and trumpet-shaped flowers. These
Jasmine is an ornamental flower plant in the form of an upright shrub that lives for years. Jasmine is a genus of shrubs and vines
Branch with young leaves
Dandelion clock
Vanda orchid genus
The primroses spring in the woods
Health food Suaeda
Iguana in Cancun, Mexico
Iguana in Cancun, Mexico
Blue anemone
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