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Gobiodon Okinawae on a montipora coral in a reef aquarium
Citron (lemon coral) goby (Gobiodon citrinus) in the Red Sea, Eilat, Israel
Citron coral goby (gobiodon citrinus)
Citron coral goby (gobiodon citrinus)
Citron coral goby (gobiodon citrinus)
Yellow Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae
Yellow Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae
Yellow Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae
Yellow Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae
Citron coral goby
Coral Goby
Citron coral goby
Green Clown Goby
Citron coral goby (gobiodon citrinus) in the Red Sea.
Citron Clown Goby
Citron coral goby (gobiodon citrinus)
Citron coral goby (gobiodon citrinus)
Citron Clown Goby
Citron Clown Goby
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