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Bible Books - Gospels
Sharing the Gospels
Joseph is a figure in the Gospels
Saint Jerome translating the Gospels, 1450. Painted by Nicolas Frances
Joseph is a figure in the Gospels, the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus, and is venerated. This Saint Joseph is in the St.Joshep
Holy Bible
View of the Church of the Beatitudes, Israel
Palestinian Christians at the St. Porphyrius Church in Gaza.
Detail of an Ancient Capital in Capernaum
Church of the Beatitudes, Lake Tiberias
Side view of the Synagogue in Capernaum
Palestinian Christians at the St. Porphyrius Church in Gaza.
Mount of Beatitudes Chapel in Israel
Palestinian Christians at the St. Porphyrius Church in Gaza.
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising,Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 30r
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Evangelist Portrait of Mark, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 90v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Evangelist Portrait of John, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 178v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 30v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 32r
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 28v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising,Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 26v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 25v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 29r
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 32v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 28r
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 24v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 29v
Illuminated Manuscript, Gospels of Freising, Canon tables, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.4, fol. 31v
Gospel Book, Original treasure binding, Walters Manuscript W.540, Upper board outside
Gospel Book, Holy Women at the Tomb of Christ, Walters Manuscript W.540, fol. 13r
Gospel Book, Original treasure binding, Walters Manuscript W.540, Lower board outside
Gospel Book, Harrowing of Hell, Walters Manuscript W.540, fol. 12r
Gospel Book, Entombment, Walters Manuscript W.540, fol. 12v
Gospel Book, Presentation in the Temple, Walters Manuscript W.540, fol. 8v
Gospel Book, Crucifixion, Walters Manuscript W.540, fol. 11v
The temple
Domes of church
John 3:16 in Dutch
Old church.
Church, bell tower
Corvey Gospel fragment, Incipit Luke's Gospel, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.751, fol. 1v
Corvey Gospel fragment, Initial Page Luke's Gospel, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.751, fol. 2r
Corvey Gospel fragment, Page from Luke's Gospel, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.751, fol. 2v
Corvey Gospel fragment, Page from John's Gospel, Walters Art Museum Ms. W.751, fol.4v
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