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Common lionfish (pterois volitans)
Red sea goatfish (parpeneus forsskali)
Ocean, sun and spotted eagle ray
Threadfin butterflyfish (chaetodon auriga)
Longjawed squirrelfish (sargocentron spiniferum)
Goldband fusilier (pterocaesio chrysozona)
Masked Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon semilarvatus)
Grey moray (gymnothorax griseus)
Broomtail wrasse (cheilinus lunulatus)
Red sea anemonefish (Amphipiron bicinctus)
Aqaba cardinalfish (cheilodipterus lachneri)
Giant moray (gymnothorax javanicus)
Ocean, coral, sun and anemonefish
Foldlip mullet (Oedalechilus labiosus)
Ocean, coral, sun and porcupinefish
Sawtoothed feather star and fish
Red sea coralgrouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus)
Freckled hawkfish (paracirrhites forsteri)
Lyretail grouper (variola louti)
Sawtoothed feather star and fish
Citron coral goby (gobiodon citrinus)
Striped eel catfish (Plotosus lineatus)
Ocean, sun and spotted eagle ray
Yellowmargin moray (gymnothorax flavimarginattus)
Bluetail trunkfish fem. (oastracion cyanurus)
Spotfin squirrelfish (neoniphon sammara)
Golden sweepers (parapriacanthus ransonneti)
Leopard torpedo ray (torpedo panthera)
Bluetail trunkfish (ostracion cyanurus)
Bluespine unicornfish (naso unicornis)
Painted sweetlips (diagramma pictum)
Bluespotted stingray in the Red Sea
Diver - underwater photographer- silhouette
Red sea coralgrouper (Plectropomus pessuliferus)
Anemone and anemonefish in the Red Sea.
Silhouette of an underwater photographer
Orangespotted trevally (carangoides bajad)
Boxer shrimp (stenopus hispidus)
Goldbody trevally (carangoides bajad)
Halfspotted hind (cephalopholis hemistiktos)
Bigeye trevally ( caranx sexfasciatus)
Longjawed squirrelfish (sargocentron spiniferum)
Bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)
Longnose hawkfish (oxycirrhites typus)
Glassfish and coral taken in the Red Sea.
Net fire coral (millepora dichotoma)
Longfin spadefish (platax teira)
Red sea bannerfish (heniochus intermedius)
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