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Traditional egyptian tea helba
Fenugreek. Shambala. Helba. Fenugreek trigonella foenum-graecum, medicinal plant. Annual plant in Fabaceae, with leaves consist of
Traditional egyptian tea karkade
Egyptian fenugreek yellow tea or Methi Dana drink and fenugreek seeds
Egyptian fenugreek yellow tea or Methi Dana drink and fenugreek seeds
Handdrawn Illustration - Health and Nature Set
Ayurvedic herbs collection
Set of Natural Organic Product badges
Handdrawn Illustration - Health and Nature Set
Egyptian yellow tea
Herbs and Spices Collection - Fenugreek
Handdrawn Set - Health and Nature. Collection of
Handdrawn Medicinal Herbs - Health and Nature Set
Fenugreek leaf Trigonella corniculata
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