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Holyland Model of Jerusalem
Holyland Model of Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Israel - December 2, 2013: Sculpture Model of Holyland Jerusalem in the late Second Temple period, located in the
Jerusalem, Israel - December 2, 2013: Sculpture Model of Holyland Jerusalem in the late Second Temple period, located in the
Jerusalem, Israel - December 2, 2013: Sculpture Model of Holyland Jerusalem in the late Second Temple period, located in the
Jerusalem, Israel - December 2, 2013: Sculpture Model of Holyland Jerusalem in the late Second Temple period, located in the
Holyland series-Jordan Valley
Holyland series-Ginosar Valley
Holyland series-The Galilee
Holyland series-Galilee Panorama
Holyland Series-Haifa Bay
Holyland series-Mt. Arbel panorama
Holyland Series -Downtown Haifa - Bat Galim and cable car
Holyland Series-Bahai Temple
Dates palm branches with ripe dates
Cross in a church
Dead Sea Hills
Dead Sea Hills
Dead Sea Hills
Ibex family
Ibex portrait
Mitzpe Ramon
Judean desert
Guard's hut
Palm grove
Al Aqsa mosque
East Jerusalem
Aqueduct at Caesaria
Dead Sea Hills
Dead Sea Hills
Dead Sea Sunrise
Judean desert
Dead Sea Hills
Dead Sea Sunrise
Dead Sea Hills
Dead Sea Hills
Church of St. Peter
Judean desert
Judean desert
Road to dead sea
Wadi Darga - Dead Sea Hills
Stone Entryway
Old jerusalem streets
Old jerusalem streets
Road to Dead Sea
Dead Sea Sunrise
Dead Sea Sunrise
Stone desert landscape
Roman Seating
Marsaba monastery
Marsaba monastery
Old jerusalem streets
Marsaba monastery
Old jerusalem streets
Wadi Darga - Dead Sea Hills
Stone desert landscape
Wadi Darga - Dead Sea Hills
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