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Cistercian Stams Abbey in Imst, Austria
Imst in Tirol
Imst and Inn Valley in Austria
Imst in Tyrol
Cistercian Stams Abbey in Imst, Austria
Cistercian Stams Abbey in Imst, Austria
Summer view on the hiking trail \ Pilzlehrpfad\ in Imst. Forest mountain trail with wild plants and flowers.
Muttekopfhütte during summer seen from the Drischlsteig trail in Imst, Tirol. Austrian Alps landscape. Lechtal Alps.
Cistercian Stams Abbey in Imst, Austria
Lechtal Alps
Lechtal Alps
Lechtal Alps
Obsteig in Sonnenplateau, Austria
Cows in Alps
Cows in Alps
Alpine landscape
Cows in Alps
Cows in Alps
Cows in Alps
Cable railway
Church in mountains
Mountain village
Alpine River
Church in mountains
Church in mountains
Church in mountains
Alpine landscape
Alpine River
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