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Antique BOOKs, Manuscript, Incunabula, Vintage Aging of the Pages, Background, Parchment, Leather-Bound
LVIV, UKRAINE - April 4, 2020: manuscripts in the medieval library. Incunabula
LVIV, UKRAINE - April 4, 2020: manuscripts in the medieval library. Incunabula
LVIV, UKRAINE - April 4, 2020: manuscripts in the medieval library. Incunabula
LVIV, UKRAINE - April 4, 2020: manuscripts in the medieval library. Incunabula
Mirror corridor
Mirror corridor
State Attorney and Angelica Library
State Attorney and Angelica Library
Gutenburg Bible
Manuscript dated 1533.
Gutenburg Bible detail
Gutenburg Bible detail
Old paper
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Antiquarian Books
Panorama of Krka river and the island and monaster
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