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Leftist Vs Rightist wing politics concept representation on signboard with arrows. Left wing and right wing
Leftist and anarchist groups seeking abolition of new maximum security prisons
Leftist and anarchist groups seeking the abolition of new maximum security prisons
Riot police during a rally in front of Athens University, which is under occupation by protesters leftist and anarchist groups.
Leftist and anarchist groups seeking the abolition of new maximum security prisons
Leftist and anarchist groups seeking the abolition of new maximum security prisons, clashed with riot police
Leftist and anarchist groups seeking the abolition of new maximum security prisons, clashed with riot police
Leftist and anarchist groups seeking the abolition of new maximum security prisons
Anti-Austerity Protest, Paris
Anti-Austerity Protest, Paris
Anti-Austerity Protest, Paris
Anti-Austerity Protest, Paris
Grave of a Peshmerga KDPI Iran
Grave of a Peshmerga KDPI Iran
The old Moscow bridge
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