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San Juan de Ulua fortress in Veracruz, Mexico
Collection of fishing rods in a boat at the Caribbean
Smilodon saber tooth extint feline
Temple of the Sun, Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico
Veracruz international commerce port in Mexico
Traditional mexican gordita with lettuce
Jaguar resting over the branch of a tree
Chicoasen Hydroelectric central located in Chiapas, Mexico
Black panther on the Morelia,Michoacan zoo
Typical panucho from Yucatan, Mexico
Traditional mexican molcajete and tejolote
Ancient mayan jade necklace
Old San Antonio Nunnery at Izamal City, Yucatan
Veil of the Bride waterfalls in Chiapas, Mexico
Pelican swimming in the caribbean sea of Mexico
Ancient mayan ornamental face made with clay
Ancient Chac Mool of the mayan people of Mexico
Maya colored handcrafts at Ek Balam, Mexico
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