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️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Cathedral Rock Trail No. 170
Azores: River meets ocean
Masonry Tank
2016/366/358 Wow, You Are One Big Dog
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Dot painting meets mandalas 8. Aboriginal style of dot painting
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Secret Cabin
Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Meets Striped Skunk - motion blur
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Alpine High Lake on Fish Creek Mountain
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Rain meets well
Secret Cabin
Cathedral Rock Trail No. 170
Wrecker of flowers (Cetonia aurata)
Secret Mountain Trail
Butterfly Euphydryas aurinia (Melitae).
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Illuminated Manuscript Collected works (Kulliyat), Walters Art Museum Ms. 617, fol. 74a
Ice Cave
Young woman meets sunrise staying barefoot on the
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Flume Trail
Butterfly Anthocharis cardamines.
Red Team Meets Yellow Team
Cathedral Rock Trail No. 170
The butterfly of family Hesperiidae.
Secret Mountain Trail
Cathedral Rock Trail No. 170
Butterfly Euphydryas aurinia (Melitae).
Jesus christ meets Matthew
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Dot painting meets mandalas 2
Cathedral Rock Trail No. 170
Cathedral Rock Trail No. 170
Bats Flying, City, Wildlife Bat
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Butterfly Melitaea sp on a flower of a geranium.
Hidden Valley, Joshua Tree National park
Boy meets Girl Symbols
The butterfly of family Hesperiidae.
Cadu Meets Her Cousin
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Fall meets winter
Butterfly Atolmis rubricollis.
Secret Cabin
view_from_San Cristobal Fortress
Cold meet
Flume Trail
The Icelandic Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Butterfly Melitaea sp. Meets seldom.
Austria. Mountains. The Alpes.
Austria. Mountains. The Alpes.
Pacific Ocean meets Rainforest, Solomon Islands
Cadu Meets Her Cousin
️ eXploration | West Coast {USA} 🌌 City/Nature
Secret Cabin
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