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Megabat Free Stock Images
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Megabat outdoors in the zoo
Flying foxes roosting
Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat - Cynopterus brachyotis species of megabat within the family Pteropodidae, small bat during night
Flying Fox
Peters s epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus crypturus, species of megabat sitting on the house roof. Cute bat in the nature habita
Peters\ s epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus crypturus, species
Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat - Cynopterus brachyotis species of megabat within the family Pteropodidae, small bat during night
Antique engraved illustration of a megabat. Vintage illustration of a megabat. Antique engraved picture of a megabat
Megabat or fruit bat
Flying fox hanging from creepers
Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat - Cynopterus brachyotis species of megabat within the family Pteropodidae, small bat during night
Flying fox called Megabat, in Latin Pteropodidae, hangs upside down from a palm tree
Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat - Cynopterus brachyotis species of megabat within the family Pteropodidae, small bat during night
Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat - Cynopterus brachyotis species of megabat within the family Pteropodidae, small bat during night
Megabat or flying dog
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