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Melampygus Free Stock Images
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Blue fin trevally (Caranx melampygus) in ocean water, Maldives
Diving: Bluefin Trevally
Two Bluefin trevally
Little school of Bluefin Trevally
Fast moving school of fish
Bluefin Trevally in Blue Water
Bluefin trevally fish
School of tropical predators
Bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)
Bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)
Speeding bluefin trevally
Speeding bluefin trevally
Bluefin trevally fish
Bluefin trevally fish, Indian ocean, underwater
Speeding bluefin trevally
Big Bluefin Trevally
Fish : Bluefin trevally
Bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)
Bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)
Bluefin trevally (caranx melampygus)
Bluefin trevally
Small school of Bluefin Trevally cruising.
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