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Mahogany Flower is like a wooden flower from family Meliaceae
Mangrove forest, xylocarpus moluccensis roem, meliaceae type
Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem, nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae
Toona Sinensis Flamingo Chinese Mahogany Tree
Mahogany Forest, Meliaceae
Guarea guidonia - Capsules and seeds
Curry or mitha neem tree
American muskwood branches with capsules and seeds
This is Melia azederach, the Chinaberry tree or Cape lilac, Bead-tree, family Meliaceae
White flowers of Aglaia odorata, Chinese perfume plant
Margosa, nim or neem tree, genus Melia leaf isolated on white ba
Toona sinensis `Flamingo`side view.
Chinaberry fruits and leaves.
Margosa, nim or neem tree, genus Melia green leaf isolated on white background
Santol meliaceae fruit
Santol meliaceae fruit
Melia azedarach
Langsat & x28 lansium& x29 is a tall slender tree that is evergreen. Its length reaches 10-16 meters.
Santol fruit
Azadirachta indica Known in Pakistan as Neem
Santol fruit
Santol fruit
Lansium domesticum
Longkong, langsat, or duku
Lansium domesticum and mangosteen
Isolated Lansium domesticum fruit
Brown Wooden Bridge Beside Green Leafy Trees
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