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Sickle and hammer
Sickle and hammer
Production of Ukrainian mortars
Production of Ukrainian mortars
Glacier the Serp-i-Molot in a bay Bear on Novaya Zemlya
Glacier the Serp-i-Molot in a bay Bear on Novaya Zemlya
Glacier the Serp-i-Molot in a bay Bear on Novaya Zemlya
Glacier the Serp-i-Molot in a bay Bear on Novaya Zemlya
Glacier the Serp-i-Molot in a bay Bear on Novaya Zemlya
Glacier the Serp-i-Molot in a bay Bear on Novaya Zemlya
Glacier the Serp-i-Molot in a bay Bear on Novaya Zemlya
Order of the world war II
Red soviet flags on Red Square in Moscow
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