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Reformed church or Kakasos templom by Karoly Kos on Motilor street in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Reformed church or Kakasos templom by Karoly Kos on Motilor street in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ramet Monastery
Traditional romanian mountain village
Reformed church or Kakasos templom by Karoly Kos on Motilor street in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Reformed church or Kakasos templom by Karoly Kos on Motilor street in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Landscape in Transylvania
Traditional rustic house in Apuseni Mountains
Haymaking and hay stack building in Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania, Romania
Village road in the mountains
Roman gold mines in Rosia Montana, Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania
Lake Taul Mare in Rosia Montana, Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania
Haymaking and hay stack building in Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania, Romania
Roman gold mines in Rosia Montana, Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania
Lake and landcsape in Rosia Montana, Apuseni Mountains
Early autumn
A small barn in the middle of the meadow
A small barn in the middle of the meadow
Old farmer's wooden house
Old farmer's wooden house
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