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Nine-spotted moths (Amata phegea) nectaring
Southern Gatekeeper nectaring on Coris
Hummingbird hawk-moth Nectaring on Swedish ivy
A Mother Shipton Moth, Callistege mi, nectaring from a Comfrey flower in a meadow in the UK.
A Brown Argus Butterfly, Aricia agestis, nectaring on a daisy flower in springtime in the UK.
Hummingbird hawk-moth Nectaring on Swedish ivy
Cleopatra butterfly nectaring on Mantisalca
A Large Yellow Hoverfly Volucella inanis nectaring on a flower.
A Comma Butterfly Polygonia c-album nectaring on a thistle flower.
A Comma Butterfly Polygonia c-album, nectaring on a thistle flower.
A Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly Polyommatus coridon nectaring on a flower.
A Green-veined White Butterfly, Pieris napi, nectaring on a Garlic mustard flower in spring.
A stunning male Common Blue Butterfly Polyommatus icarus nectaring on a dog daisy flower Leucanthemum vulgare.
A pretty Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly Aglais urticae nectaring on a thistle flower.
A pretty Jersey Tiger Moth Euplagia quadripunctaria f.lutescens nectaring on wild mint.
A painted lady butterfly nectaring on lantana flowers
Sulpher Butterfly
The Plebejus morgianus , the Persian Blue butterfly , butterflies of Iran
Blue Dragonfly
Blue Dragonfly
Tiger Swallowtail
The Painted Lady!
Great Southern White
Gulf Frittalary Butterfly on Lantana
Painted Lady Butterfly
Hoverfly (Syrphidae)
Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly
Striped Albatross butterfly
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