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Overseer Free Stock Images
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Overseer and slave
Worker with overseer controling stock
Worker talking to overseer controling stock
Operator and overseer working
Operator and overseer working
Worker talking to overseer in warehouse
Businessman presents a newly appointed chief leader. Promotion at work, appointment of a new overseer. Professional qualified
Businessman presents a newly appointed chief leader. Promotion at work, appointment of a new overseer. Control and optimization of
Stela of the Overseer of the Herds Abkau and His Wife Imemi at Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Construction Worker
Egyptian slave driver
Statue of Isis and Wepwawet at Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Part of end of south wall of a fresco decorated passageway leading to shrine with remains statues Menna and Henut-Tawy in TT69.
End of south wall of a fresco decorated passageway leading to shrine with remains statues Menna and Henut-Tawy in TT69.
Portion of the north wall of a fresco decorated passageway leading to shrine with remains statues Menna and Henut-Tawy in TT69.
Usher with tray
Usher looks up
House Concierge
House Concierge
Man in the field of wheat
House Concierge
Guard Dog
Duck and duckling
Yellow family
Kingfisher overseer
Scarecrow guarding cornfield
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