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Lamb & Ewe (Ovis aries) on Welsh Hillside
Mouflon, Ovis orientalis, forest horned animal in the nature habitat, portrait of mammal with big horn, Praha, Czech Republic.
Bighorn Tight Portrait
Domestic sheep Ovis aries
Mouflon, Ovis orientalis, portrait of mammal with big horns, Prague, Czech Republic. Wildlife scene form nature. Animal behavior
Young bighorn sheep, Jasper National Park
Bighorn Sheep Ewes Walking Down Road
Bighorn Sheep Pair (Ovis canadensis)
Transcaspian urial (Ovis orientalis arkal).
Bighorn Grazing in Spring
Barbary Sheep - Ammotragus lervia
Barbary Sheep on Artificial Cliff Face
Ram portrait
Sheep Dog Herds in Sheep &x28;Ovis aries&x29
Sheep Dog Behind Group of Sheep Ovis aries
Young bighorn sheep, Jasper National Park
Forest animal in the habitat. Mouflon, Ovis orientalis, forest horned animal in the nature habitat, portrait of mammal with big ho
Sheep Ovis aries Trots Left
3 Animals Standing Beside Green Grass during Daytime
Mouflon Male Ovis musimon with big curvy horns in the German forest
Lamb (Ovis aries) Alone in Pasture
Jacob Sheep - Ovis aries, resting on a sunny autumn day.
Lamb (Ovis aries) in Pasture
Mouflon, Ovis orientalis, portrait of mammal with big horns, Prague, Czech Republic. Wildlife scene form nature. Animal behavior
The mouflon (Ovis orientalis)
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