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Fibroscan examination study of the liver revealed F2 for liver stiffness, S3 for liver steatosis, fibrosis reading 7.4 kPa, CAP
Form measuring instrument
Security Fence
Multi meter
UTM - Urchin Tracking Module. Parameter to track advertising campaigns on the Internet
Form measuring instrument
Fibroscan examination study of the liver revealed F2 for liver stiffness, S3 for liver steatosis, fibrosis reading 7.4 kPa, CAP
Security Fence with a Lock
Search criteria, real estate services, location mark on map, size parameter, smart home, wireless internet connection, stroke icon
Parameter - cube with letters and words from the computer, software, internet categories, wooden cubes
Form measuring instrument
UTM - Urchin Tracking Module. Specialized parameter in the URL
Fibroscan examination study of the liver revealed F2 for liver stiffness, S3 for liver steatosis, fibrosis reading 7.4 kPa, CAP
Future technology
Form measuring instrument
Electronic metering device multimeter showing the voltage parameter in an electronic device consisted of microchip
Sibling Smile
Photographic lens
Photographyc lens
Quality control
Many kind switch button and turns dial with monitor of control panel for adjust parameter cnc lathe machine or machining center
Set of icons
Multi meter
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Vision measuring instrument
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