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Tramascastilla lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain.
Piedrafita lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain
Views of Sierra Tendeñera, Sierra Partacua, Collarada and Vignemale peaks from the top of Taillon
Bubal reservoir and Partacua mountain range, in the Huesca Pyrenees
Snowed Mountains in Tena valley near Piedrafita de Jaca, Huesca, Spain
Tramascastilla lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain.
Tramascastilla lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain.
Tramascastilla lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain.
Panorama of the Pyrenees
Pyrenean dawn
Pyrenean panoramic
Three snow-capped peaks
Snowed Partacua mountains in Tena Valley, Huesca, Spain
Tramascastilla lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain.
Tramascastilla lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain.
Tramascastilla lake in Valley of Tena in Pyrenees, Spain.
Snowed Partacua mountains in Tena Valley, Huesca, Spain
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