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Microscopic view of a water flea parthenogenetic eggs inside shell carapace
P5030021 pretty juvenile Brazilian parthenogenetic scorpion Tityus stigmurus on bark cECP 2022
P5030026 juvenile Brazilian parthenogenetic scorpion Tityus stigmurus on bark cECP 2022
P9180031 female parthenogenetic scorpion Lychas tricarinatus carrying babies on her back cECP 2021
Freshwater water flea (Daphnia magna)
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Stick bug, insect
Oleander aphids attacking a bud
Microscopic view of a water flea Alona quadrangularis with visible eggs
Daphnia is a genus of small planktonic crustaceans
Daphnia use a combined strategy of asexual and sexual reproduction during their life cycle
Japanese thorn stick insect
Silhouette of head human louse. Pediculus humanus
Insect anatomy. Sticker head human louse. Pediculus humanus capitis. Sketch of louse
Oleander aphids in oleander plant
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