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Pati Free Stock Images
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Natural scenery in the Gunungrowo reservoir in the pati area of ​​Central Java, Indonesia
reservoirs gembong
Natural scenery in the Gunungrowo reservoir in the pati area of ​​Central Java, Indonesia
The discovery of an ancient temple
Chapada Diamantina valley
Spot billed Duck swans geese or Pati Hashwaterfowl Anatidae, a chicken size bird swimming in lake field with Flowering Water
Natural scenery in the Gunungrowo reservoir in the pati area of ​​Central Java, Indonesia
Natural scenery in the Gunungrowo reservoir in the pati area of ​​Central Java, Indonesia
Ancient courtyard, Pati Manning,eighteen century,cultural center,Centre Estudis i Recorsos culturals,El Raval quarter, Barcelona.
Natural scenery in the Gunungrowo reservoir in the pati area of ​​Central Java, Indonesia
Area reservoirs gembong
Sunrise at Mt. Muria
Javanees script in front of The door to Javanese Historical Sendang Sani in Pati, Central Jav, Indonesia_2
Teak tree forest
Valley and hills seen from Thade Pati, Helambu, Nepal. New snow
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