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Penicilline Free Stock Images
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Penicillium fungi on agar plate and tubes with antibiotics
Genetically modified fungi on agar plate
Orange pills on arm in glove and fungi
Penicillin G benzylpenicillin antibiotic drug molecule. Used to treat bacterial infections; belongs to beta-lactam class.
Penicillin G benzylpenicillin antibiotic drug molecule. Used to treat bacterial infections; belongs to beta-lactam class.
Penicillin G benzylpenicillin antibiotic drug molecule. Used to treat bacterial infections; belongs to beta-lactam class..
Penicillin G benzylpenicillin antibiotic drug molecule. Used to treat bacterial infections; belongs to beta-lactam class.
Close up of Penicillin G injection
Close up of Penicillin G injection
Close up of Penicillin G injection
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