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Pentateuch Free Stock Images
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Antique or old paper roll. Horizontal scroll or ancient manuscript, obsolete papyrus, rolled pentateuch background
Divine Manuscript. A rolled parchment, bearing the sacred text of the Torah or Pentateuch
Hebrew Bible
Hebrew Bible
Hebrew Bible
Open Bible silhouette.
Old manuscript or ancient paper scrolls icons set
Isolated old manuscript or ancient paper scrolls icons set
Holy Book of the Samaritians
Holy Book of the Samaritians
Jewish bible on table, wailing western wall, jerusalem, israel. book of the Torah-the Pentateuch of Moses is open on the prayer
Jewish bible on table, wailing western wall, jerusalem, israel. book of the Torah-the Pentateuch of Moses on the prayer table on
Opened unrolled scroll on a wood surface. The Torah, also known as the Pentateuch. Holy Bible. Judaism or Christian
Holy bible. Religion and faith
The open book
Religious symbols.
An older man praying open book
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