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Douro Valley: Vineyards near Duero river and Pinhao, Portugal
Douro Valley: Vineyards near Duero river around Pinhao, Portugal
Douro Valley. Vineyards and landscape near Pinhao town, Portugal
Tiles at railway station of Pinhao
Douro Valley: Historic archway in front of a vineyard near Pinhao, Portugal
Douro Valley: Vineyards and olive trees near Pinhao, Portugal
Portugal, ceramics in Pinhao
Portugal, Douro valley, Pinhao:ceramics, Azulejo
Douro Valley. Vineyards and landscape near Pinhao town, Portugal
Portugal, Douro valley, Pinhao: ceramics, Azulejo
Portugal, Douro valley, Pinhao: ceramics, azulejo
Railway station of pinhao
Pinhao, Portugal
Atlantic from the mouth of the Douro River
Railway station of pinhao
Douro region
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