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Man listening to music
France; Paris; the big mosque in paris
France; Paris; street lampe at the concorde
France; Paris; creramic from the mosque of paris
France; Paris; place de la concorde
France; Paris; Obelisk at the concorde square
France; Paris;lampe at the place de la concorde
France; Paris; the Obelisk at the Concorde square
Man listening to unplaisant music
France; Paris;sculpture at the concorde
France; Paris; sculpture at the concorde place
France; Paris; detail of the Obelisk
France; Paris; Bronze and golden leaf statue
France; Paris; the Obelisk at the Concorde square
France; Paris;sculpture at concorde square
France; Paris; sculpture at the concorde square
France; Paris; fountain sculpture
France; Paris; decorative detail
France; Paris; winter view with ST Medare
France; Paris; sculpture at the concorde square
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