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Platanus Free Stock Images
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Background of green fresh leaves of Platanus orientalis. Beauty foliage. Natural background for design or texture
Western Sycamore tree Platanus racemosa seen from below, California
Platanus leaf on dry leaf bed
Fruits and leaves of Oriental plane, Platanus orientalis, the Old World sycamore, or Oriental plane.
Sycamore Tree Leaves - Platanus occidentalis
Sycamore tree. Platanus orientalis. Spotted plane tree trunk under sunlight_7
Platanus occidentalis leaf close-up of a single tree
Close-up of the fruits and leaves of a specimen of Platanus × acerifolia
Sycamore tree
Sycamore Platanus occidentalis
Texture of platanus tree bark
Platanus flower balls
Platanus tree
Platanus seed
Platanus acerifolia
Tree (Platanus)
Platanus orientalis treelined
Platanus tree in Aix-en-Provence, Provence, France
Plane tree leaf
Plane tree leaf
Plane tree branches
Plane trees Grove in Konstanz
Dry leaf
Old trunk
Old trunk
Sycamore trunk
Rubber seed on the beach
Plane tree lane
Cedar Waxwing in in Tree
Colored leaf of sycamore
Mother and little girl hiding behind a tree
White birch
Rubber seed on the beach
Tree branches in the sky
Sycamore covered by snow
Picture of a sycamore tree shedding its bark, a natural process of mature trees.
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