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Beautiful Prana Healing Energy
Prana mudra. Hand in yoga mudra.
Prana mudra on white
Sending out loving Chi Ki Qi Prana Energy
Set of 9 mudras
Yoga and meditation
Healing hand, hand with spark of hope, life force energy, prana aura clearing the light of faith cosmic energy elaing background
Prana Mudra - gesture in yoga fingers.
Universe cosmos. Meditation background yoga lotus pose, chakras, prana
Universe cosmos. Meditation background yoga lotus pose, chakras, prana
Yogi woman sitting in lotus pose, practicing Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Alternate Nostril Breathing. Control prana, control of
The Source of Consciousness, energy of the universe, life force, prana, the mind of God and spirituality
Yogi woman practicing Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Alternate Nostril Breathing. Control prana, control of breath. Breathing exercise.
Universe cosmos. Meditation background yoga lotus pose, chakras, prana
Desert Yoga Man Balancing In Eka Pada Koundinyasana
Tibetan singing bowl sitting in some hay
Spring edition mandala
Flower of life seed mandala
Spring power floral mandala
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