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Outback Australia - El Questro
Outback Australia - El Questro
Outback Australia - El Questro
Outback Australia - El Questro
Brancho`s Lookout, El Questro Station, Kimberley, Western Austra
Outback Australia - El Questro
Outback Australia - El Questro
El Questro Homestead Emma Gorge Kimberley Western Australia
Cascades at the top of spectacular double drop unamed waterfall in the Cockburn Ranges, El Questro Resort, Kimberley, Western
Wide angle Oblique Aerial landscape view of unamed waterfall and canyons in the Cockburn Ranges, El Questro Resort, Kimberley
El Questro, Australia - Sep 9 2014: Hire four wheel drive & off
Pentecost River and Cockburn Ranges.
Brahman Cattle resting in Shade at the foot of the Cockburn Range, El Questro Station
The Fingers - Cockburn Range, East Kimberley
A small light plane parked in The Kimberley, Western Australia
Kimberley countryside
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