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Close-up of a Selkirk Rex, 5 months old, looking at camera
Selkirk Rex cat on a white background
Pend Oreille River Reflection of Clouds, Selkirk Mountains and Western Lupine
Selkirk Rex sitting and looking at camera
Selkirk Rex kitten
Nice selkirk rex cat looking into tea cup on table
Turquoise Glacial Waters of the Kootenay River, North End of Kootenay Lake between the Selkirk and Purcell Mountains, BC, Canada
Sandon Ghost Town with Historic Buses in the Selkirk Mountains, BC, Canada
Selkirk Rex, 5 months old, standing on hind legs and reaching, licking
Sandon Ghost Town with Historic Town Hall and Fire Hall, Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
Summit Lake Provincial Park Panorama of Beautiful Summer Day in the Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
Selkirk rex cat on the beautiful old-fashioned chair
Selkirk Mountain Range
Selkirk rex cat
Sandon Ghost Town with Historic Silversmith Powerhouse in the Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
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